
Workshop: Bats in buildings: management strategies for the conservation of species, and for the protection and valuing of historic buildings and monuments.

22nd February 2008
h 9.30 - 13.30
Rome, Via di S. Michele, 22
Sala dello Stenditoio


This workshop is organized by the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, the Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and the Italian Chiroptera Research Group. The workshop is intended to focus on the conservation of bats and the historic buildings and monuments they may use as roosts by means of a transversal approach that can preserve a heritage which is cultural and environmental at the same time.


Workshop sull’inanellamento dei Chirotteri in Italia

6th March 2007
h 9.30-16.00
Florence, Via Romana, 17
Museo di Storia Naturale, Sezione di Zoologia “La Specola”


Bat banding for scientific purpose has been debated for long, but it was never regulated by any agreed national protocol. This is why the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, the Italian Wildlife Institute and the Italian Chiroptera Research Group worked together producing a technical report on bat banding with the description of the administrative procedure you have to follow to be allowed to band bats, and how to record your data in the national database.


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