

 Ethiopia is a fully continental country in East Africa. Most of its territory consists of high plateaus and is often harsh and arid. The capital, Addis Ababa, is the only large city and is located at an altitude of 2,355 meters. The country is highly affected by the consequences of climate change and is at high risk of catastrophic events: floods and droughts alternate, often causing n irreparable damage, with heavy consequences on populations and agriculture, which increase an important migratory phenomenon in an already fragile context.

MASE has entered into 2 agreements with the country: the first, in 2016, with the Ministry of the Environment, Forests and Climate Change of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; the second, in 2017, with the Global Green Growth Institute.

The 5 projects born from this agreement work on weather alerts, on the adaptation of rural populations to climate change, on the provision of solar energy-powered water pumping systems, and on the dissemination of policies aimed at countering the effects of Climate Change.


Cooperation, the first meeting of the joint Italy-Ethiopia Committee at COP 28

DUBAI,  December 5, 2023 – The first meeting of the Joint Committee (JC1) was successfully held during COP 28 in Dubai, within the framework of the new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed last December 3, between the Minister of the Environment and Security Energy, Pichetto and the Ethiopian Minister for Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa.

COP28: Italy-Ethiopia Memorandum, projects on cooperation for adaptation restart

The signature during the meeting between Minister Pichetto and the Ethiopian Minister for Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa

Dubai, December 2 nd – Italy and Ethiopia signed in Dubai, during COP28, a new Memorandum of Understanding which starts again the cooperation between the two countries. The signing of the deed took place as part of the bilateral meeting between the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto and the Ethiopian Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa.


    Technical Agreement Dubai, December 2023 – December 2028)

Counterpart : Environmental Forest and Climate Change Commission (EFCCC). 
Areas of intervention

  • Integrated Water Management (SDG 6),
  • Ensure access to clean and effordable energy (SDG 7),
  • Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12),
  • Take urgent actions to combat climate change (SDG 13),
  •  Protection of biodiversity (SDG 15)
  • Strengthening of the Global Partnership
 - Memoprandum of Understanding MASE- EFCCC (December 2, 2023) EN


    Current projects
Financing of MASE

Supporting Ethiopia’s Early Warning System

Euro 1.375.040
  Sustainable Water Supply System in Rural Areas of Somali and Afar Regional States of Ethiopia Euro 1.237.697

Joint plan (MEFCC and IFC) for mobilizing Climate Finance

Euro 250.000 MiTE
Euro 250.000 IFC

  Climate Smart Integrated Rural Development Project in the Pastoralist area of Ethiopia Euro 4.256.485


    Completed projects

Policy Responses to Climate Change: Sustainable Development And Energy Transition

Euro 46.631



    05/12/2023   Cooperation, at COP 28 first meeting of the Italy-Ethiopia Joint Committee
   02/12/2023    COP28: Italy-Ethiopia Memorandum, projects on cooperation for adaptation restart




  MoU Archieve



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